Major Solar Eclipse On June 21st 2020

Special Highlights About This Eclipse:

  • This is the biggest solar eclipse of the year 2020, which make 21st June a major event
  • 21st June 2020, falls on Day of the Sun i.e., Sunday – Ravivar
  • It is believed that the influence of negative energies increases during an Eclipse period
  • The retrograde motion of SIX planets at the same time: Jupiter, Saturn, Mars, Venus, Rahu, and Ketu, make this Solar Eclipse even more influential
  • It is not a regular one as it falls on the summer solstice, i.e. the longest day and the shortest night of the year.
  • This eclipse will occur in the Cancer sign as per Western Astrology and Gemini sign as per Vedic Astrology
  • In India, the solar eclipse of June 21 with begin at 9:15 am
  • The full eclipse will start from 10:17 am and will remain fully eclipsed until 2:02 pm
  • The eclipse will be at its peak at 12:10 pm
  • It will end at 3:03 pm after staying visible for up to a maximum of a full minute in many places across the country
  • The next eclipse will be around December 14th – 15th, 2020, but that will not be visible from India

Precautions Necessary:

  • Unlike lunar eclipse, one should never look at the solar eclipse with bare eyes. While many people think that dark sunglasses or homemade filters are enough to safely witness the phenomenon, they do not effectively protect you from the harmful rays of the sun.  Pinhole projection is a safe way to observe a solar eclipse in an indirect fashion.
  • Do not undertake any new tasks as it is not considered to be an auspicious time. Avoid traveling and carrying out any important deals during the eclipse time.
  • Pregnant ladies are strongly advised to avoid getting exposed to the eclipse rays.
  • Avoid intimacy during this time.

The Effect of Solar Eclipse on The 12 Signs:

Vedic Rashi

Western Zodiac

Overall Verdict

Affected House

Impact Of This Solar Eclipse (Subject To Individual Dashas)

Recommended Remedy

Mesha / Aries
3rd House which relates to Communication, Courage and Siblings
– While people need not fear any adverse results, they are still advised to avoid taking risks or speculation
– It would also be better for them to keep their channels of communication alive with influential people
– Good time to pursue business venture or new ideas
– Siblings may need special care
Chant Om Namo Bhagavate Rishikeshaya, Fast on Tuesdays, Chant Vishnu Sahasranama
Vrishabha / Taurus
No Harm But Remain Cautious
2nd House which indicates family and finances
– This shows that finance may be a major concern during this phase and unexpected family expenses may arise
– New opportunities may come forward for wealth creation
– Take care of health of parents
– Eye related issues may cause discomfort and need medical attention. Be watchful of what you eat
Recite Om Namo Bhagavate Shri Vaamanaya and Hare Krishna Mahamantra, Fast on Thursdays
Mithuna / Gemini
1st House relates to self and spouse health and communication
– Are advised to be extremely careful about their health. Some lung-related issues may crop making it necessary to follow medical advice strictly
– New opportunities may come forward in different areas of life
– There may be gains in career front for some
– On the financial front, expenses may soar and you may need to make suitable arrangements to meet contingency needs
Recite Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya, Chant Vishnu Sahasranama and Brahma Samhita
Karka / Cancer
12th House signifies loss of money, sudden heavy expenses
– There could be monetary losses, and so, people of this sign are cautioned against taking any chances in financial matters
– Health may also remain equally important, and it would be better to take even minor issues seriously and go for immediate treatments when required.
Recite Om Namo Bhagavate Narasimhaya, Chant Purushashukta prayers and Read the Ramayana
Simha / Leo
11th House related to children and investments
– Excessive monetary gains may make them financially stable
– With cash- inflows result in fulfilling all long term desires
– Personal relationships may go through a blissful and harmonious time
Recite Hare Krishna Mahamantra and Om Guruave Namah and Fast on Sundays
Kanya / Virgo
10th House which governs occupation, profession, and fame
– Challenging times on the job-front with office-going professionals may face stressful hours at work as they may be nagged by superiors
– Business owners may need to re-assess their work strategy to get results
– Can prove to be positive from a monetary and new job opportunity standpoint
– Career prospects appear to be bright and promising. Pursue opportunities in earnest
Recite Om Namo Bhagavate Shri Vaamanaya and Om Namo Bhagavate Vaasudevaaya and Chant Purushashukta prayers
Tula / Libra
No Harm But Remain Cautious
9th House which governs Dharma, Spiritual Guru, Mentors and Higher Education
– If no major planet is positioned in this house, they may need to exert more effort to push their prospects in general.
– Risk-taking of any sort may better be avoided
– Give up your ego and learn sincerely to gain knowledge
– There may not be any serious health concerns. But respiratory issues may cause anxiety to a few, which needs to be attended to immediately
Recite Om Namo Narayanaya, Read Mahabharata and Uddhav Gita (SB Canto 11)
Vrishchika / Scorpio
No Harm But Remain Cautious
8th House signifies Change, Adaptation, Confusion, Transformation
– Health concerns may see a rise during this eclipse. They need to take precautions against possible viral infections and respiratory problems and seek medical help
– Finance and domestic issues may grow vulnerable so deal with these matters tactfully and patiently
– Avoid making new investments though speculation may give gains
– Romance and relationships may blossom
Recite Om Namo Bhagavate Narasimhaya, Read the Bhagavad Gita and Chant Queen Kunti prayers (SB Canto 1)
Dhanu / Sagittarius
7th House meant for partnerships, marital joy
– This solar eclipse to bring them some good times and this may provide them relief from some existing problems
– Positive developments on the professional front with appreciation from seniors and given new assignments
– May open opportunities of love, romance and marriage for some
– May open opportunities for business and multiple sources of income
– Have to be careful about their health
Recite Vishnu Sahasranama and Hare Krishna Mahamantra and Fast on Mondays
Makara / Capricorn
6th House represents discipline, daily work schedule and regularity
– This can be a major breakthrough for them as they may successfully come out of a stuck situation
– This may increase chances for the betterment and may make things work favorably for them
– Will be successful in overcoming competition and enemies
– However, patience is the key to success- and it should be their motto for the time being as ground reality should be judged before they make further moves
–  Be conscious of your diet and focus on your health. Eat right and on time. Exercise and sleep on time
Recite Om Namo Bhagavate Shri Vaamanaya and Recite Om Namo Bhagavate Rishikeshaya and the Purushashukta prayers
Kumbha / Aquarius
5th House represents Intelligence, Creativity, Sports, Children, Love and Romance
– May bring some differences in their relationships. Thus, it should be necessary for them to handle the fragile situation with tact and care to avoid disrupting harmony of the relationship
– Will open up opportunities in creativity and being yourself and reflect on who you are and what you want in life
– Good time for love and romance and relationships
– Financial stability may make it easy for you to strike the balance between your routine and incidental expenditure. However, no major monetary gains are indicated
Recite Hare Krishna Mahamantra, Fast on Wednesdays, Donate to Sadhus
Meena / Pisces
Somewhat Adverse
4th House signifying Happiness, Studies, Family and Domestic Matters
– Remain more attentive to domestic affairs.
– Professionals may undergo a strenuous period as they struggle hard to maintain their positions at work.
– Good time to focus on education, research and upskilling yourself
– No major gains are envisaged during the period. Good time for real estate and for advertising field
– Health may raise an alarm as past illnesses may start causing discomfort. Advised to seek medical help in case of any problem.
Recite Queen Kunti prayers (SB Canto 1), Chant Om Namo Narayanaya, Read the Ramanaya

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