Adding Shine to Your Education and Career

Table of contents

  • Adding shine to your education and career
  • Online astrology
  • Relying on Vedic astrology

True, that you are destined to become what you decide to be, but then life has its set of twists and turns that may turn you in a different direction altogether. Astrology today reveals how planetary movements can influence and inspire you while dictating your movements. This is true for career-oriented students too who are unable to charter their paths in a definite direction.

Despite setting up a strong academic record, many students are unable to progress in their respective careers. This causes both parents and their wards to feel distressed and insecure. A deeper introspection into birth charts reveals what impedes us or what propels us in our career growth. The inability to focus or the ineptness to strive to succeed can also be explained through planetary movements.

Adding Shine to Your Education and Career

Your zodiac sign can have a definite effect on your career choices. Astrology for today tells you how different planets affect your mind and your zest to succeed in a particular field. An in-depth study of astrology signs unveils how planetary positions and their movements can have a major deciding effect on your career. For example, if your moon sign and the planet in the 10th house position in your chart complement each other, chances are that you will be successful in the field you undertake. With Divinity World, you can now avail of astrology predictions in your language of choice, be in Tamil, Hindi, or other vernacular languages in India. Astrology predictions are also available in Western languages such as FRANCAIS, ESPANOL, DEUTSCH, etc.

Astrologers mainly check if Jupiter and Mercury are ill-placed or well placed in the horoscope of the student to decide their performance in academics. Students are warned against possible difficulties in academics if Jupiter and Mercury are placed in the 6th, 8th, or 12th houses in their horoscopes.

Besides, astrology experts share how the malefic effects of the planets Rahu, Ketu, and Saturn can deviate them from their career goals, thus causing them to suffer from delays, failures, and frequent breaks in their career paths.

Astrology today can also tell you if you have a strong sun in your horoscope or if you are marred by Ketu’s impact that keeps you detached from worldly matters. Also, the presence and positions of these planets in your natal chart can throw light on your natural aptitude to learn new things or your sudden interest in unconventional subjects like occult science practice, black magic, translation, etc.

Online Astrology

Queuing up at astrologers’ houses is now passé as the internet has eased access to online astrology sites that allow you access to a free natal chart showing your planetary positions and their meanings. Besides, those interested in learning more about zodiac signs and their effects on your career and future can learn more details by logging on to these online astrology websites.

You will just have to fill in your name, birth date details (including the place and time of your birth), and your contact details. The country of birth also matters, which means that you must submit accurate details for correct forecasting. Many astrology websites also provide Vedic services to solve students’ problems, thus, helping them surge ahead in their educational plans.

Local astrologers also allow their prospective clients the benefit of communicating in their vernacular languages. This explains why many websites talk about astrology in Tamil or other regional languages though you will find most sites discussing astrology in Hindi or English.

Relying on Vedic Astrology

Planets hold the secret to what we are and what we are likely to become in the future. Though ‘Karma’ plays an active role in what we achieve, we cannot rule out the role of destiny either. Planets also hold the secret to our ‘Karmas’ in our previous births and how they affect our present lives and careers. While the science behind astrology continues to be debated, it is true that Vedic astrology can open the doors of the student’s mind to new career options, unlock their true potential, and overcome obstacles hurting prospects of further or advanced education.

Instead of all possible career options and choosing the wrong one out of whims and fancies, it makes sense to choose educational streams aligned with the planetary positions in our horoscope and pursue only those that are in sync with what the positive planets indicate. It is important to consult astrologers before making crucial decisions regarding education and career to avail maximum benefits and support from planetary movements.

An online astrology assessment will identify and indicate the right education stream to ensure prolonged success and prosperity. For more details of online astrology in Tamil or astrology in Hindi or any other regional language of your preference such as Gujarati, Marathi, Telugu, and Kannada, do connect with the experts at Divinity World for accurate life solutions!

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