Chinese Astrology

Chinese Zodiac (生肖 shēngxiào) is based on a twelve year cycle, with each year of the lunar calendar associated with one of the 12 animal signs. 2019 is Year of the Brown Earth Pig starting from Feb. 5, 2019 and ending on Jan. 24, 2020.

The 12 Chinese zodiac animals used to represent years, 2020 is the Year of the Rat. Zodiac signs play an integral part in Chinese culture, and can be used to determine your fortune for the year, marriage compatability, career fit, best times to have a baby, and so much more.

The general consensus is that the zodiacs originally had something to do with the worship of animals. A zodiac system has existed in Chinese culture since the Qin dynasty, more than 2,000 years ago.

Over time the zodiacs became more and more integrated into everyday life, with different meanings and characteristics assigned to each animal. This in turn gave rise to various compatabilities (and incompatabilities) between each zodiac, and play a major role in marriage and career decisions, fortune-telling and more!













What's Your Chinese Zodiac Animal?

In order, they are: rat (鼠—shǔ), ox (牛—niú), tiger (虎—hǔ), rabbit (兔—tù), dragon (龙—lóng), snake (蛇—shé), horse (马—mǎ), goat (羊—yang), monkey (猴—hóu), rooster (鸡—jī), dog (狗—gǒu), and pig (猪—zhū).

The zodiac cycle repeats every 12 years, making it easy to figure out whether it’s your year- just check if your age is a multiple of 12! Here are the 12 zodiac animals in order with accompanying years:

Rat 鼠 (shǔ) 1924, 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008, 2020 Quick-witted, resourceful, versatile, kind
Ox 牛 (niú) 1925, 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009, 2021 Diligent, dependable, strong, determined
Tiger 虎 (hǔ) 1926, 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010, 2022 Brave, confident, competitive
Rabbit 兔 (tù) 1927, 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011, 2023 Quiet, elegant, kind, responsible
Dragon 龙 (lóng) 1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012, 2024 Confident, intelligent, enthusiastic
Snake 蛇 (shé) 1929, 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013, 2025 Enigmatic, intelligent, wise
Horse 马 (mǎ) 1930, 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014, 2026 Animated, active, energetic
Goat 羊 (yang) 1931, 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015, 2027 Calm, gentle, sympathetic
Monkey 猴 (hóu) 1932, 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016, 2028 Sharp, smart, curiosity
Rooster 鸡 (jī) 1933, 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017, 2029 Observant, hardworking, courageous
Dog 狗 (gǒu) 1934, 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006, 2018, 2030 Lovely, honest, prudent
Pig 猪 (zhū) 1935, 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007, 2019, 2031 Compassionate, generous, diligent

Maybe you think your zodiac year (本命年—ben ming nian) will be lucky. It’s your year after all. However, it’s the total opposite.

It’s seen as a hurdle you have jump over. The way to protect yourself from evil spirits and bad fortune is to wear red underwear every day for the entire year. Even in modern times, it’s still treated as a real concern.

In some places, married men even have to be accompanied by their wives when they go out at night during their year!

Origin of the zodiacs

One legend says that the Jade Emperor (玉皇大帝—yù huáng dà dì) needed to choose 12 animals as palace guards. The Cat asked his neighbor Rat to help him sign up. Rat forgot, which is why they became mortal enemies.

At the palace, Ox was first in line, but Rat secretly climbed onto Ox’s back and jumped in front of him. Tiger and Dragon thought it was unfair, but they could only settle behind Ox. Rabbit found it unfair too. He wanted to race with Dragon and succeeded.

This angered Dog, who bit Rabbit in a fit and was sent to the back as punishment. Snake, Horse, Goat, Monkey and Rooster fought amongst themselves as well. Pig came late, after everything was finally settled, and could only be the last.

The science behind it all

How do Chinese astrologers know each zodiac’s personality, fortune and compatibility with others?

Below is some technical information you might be interested in.

Dì Zhī (地支), or Earthly Branches, were the original terms used for the years. These branches are also assigned to the hours of the day, based on solar time.

The animals were later added as mnemonics and categorized as either yīn (阴) or yáng (阳).

Ten Celestial Stems (天干—tiān gān) pair with the Earthly Branches for a 60 year calendrical cycle. Then add in an element. These cycle through, but each zodiac also has a fixed element. This fixed element is what determines which sign you’re compatible with.

Twelve Earthly Branches: zi (子), chǒu (丑), yín (寅), mǎo (卯), chén (辰), sì (巳), wǔ (午), wèi (未), shēn (申), yǒu (酉), xū (戌), hài (亥).

Ten Celestial Stems: jiǎ (甲), yǐ (乙), bǐng (丙), ding (丁), wù (戊), jǐ (己), gēng (庚), xīn (辛), rén (壬), guǐ (癸).

Five elements: water (水—shuǐ), wood (木—mù), fire (火—huǒ), earth (土—tǔ), metal (金—jīn).

A calendar of recent years with everything explained above would look like this:

2000 gēng chén Dragon Metal Yang
2001 xīn Snake Metal Yin
2002 rén Horse Water Yang
2003 guǐ wèi Goat Water Yin
2004 jiǎ shēn Monkey Wood Yang
2005 yǒu Rooster Wood Yin
2006 bǐng Dog Fire Yang
2007 ding hài Pig Fire Yin
2008 zi Rat Earth Yang
2009 chǒu Ox Earth Yin
2010 gēng yín Tiger Metal Yang
2011 xīn mǎo Rabbit Metal Yin
2012 rén chén Dragon Water Yang
2013 guǐ Snake Water Yin
2014 jiǎ Horse Wood Yang
2015 wèi Goat Wood Yin
2016 bǐng shēn Monkey Fire Yang
2017 ding yǒu Rooster Fire Yin
2018 Dog Earth Yang
2019 hài Pig Earth Yin
2020 gēng zi Rat Metal Yang
2021 xīn chǒu Ox Metal Yin
2022 rén yín Tiger Water Yang
2023 guǐ mǎo Rabbit Water Yin
2024 jiǎ chén Dragon Wood Yang
2025 Snake Wood Yin


There are six groups (六合—liù hé) of most compatible pairs. They fit into each other like jigsaw pieces. These are the ones who support you in the background.

Four groups of trios (三合—sān hé) are the next most compatible signs. Working in a team, they complement your skills.

Best Matches for 12 Signs:

Rat: Ox, Dragon, Rabbit

Ox: Rat, Monkey, or Rooster

Tiger: Dragon, Horse, or Pig

Rabbit: Rat, Goat, Monkey, Dog, Pig

Dragon: Rat, Tiger or Snake

Snake: Dragon, Rooster

Horse: Goat, Tiger

Goat: Rabbit, Horse, Pig

Monkey: Ox, Rabbit

Rooster: Ox, Snake

Dog: Rabbit

Pig: Goat, Tiger, Rabbit

Introduction to the Chinese Zodiac Animals

As mentioned before, the Earthly Branches are also assigned to hours of the day. The animals, depending on what they did, became associated with that certain time. This is another explanation for the ordering of the animals. The following list includes each zodiac’s time of day, culture, personality, and compatibility.

Rat (鼠—Shǔ)

People born in the year of the Rat like saving and collecting. They never have hard times financially and live organized lives. If you receive a valuable gift from a Rat, know that he thinks highly of you, because he doesn’t usually like opening his wallet for others. Rats don’t look for praise and recognition. They are very sensitive and know when there is trouble. When they do take risks, they’re usually successful.

Charming and sociable, but a cool cookie. The Rat is comfortable within groups of people, and work well with the public. They are creative and quite smart. They grasp situations quickly and pay attention to details. They take advantage of opportunity, and move towards their mark, but since they cannot resist the chance to move quickly; sometimes they can overstep their boundaries and take on too much at one time. They are passionate lovers; and their feelings are true. They are dedicated to their friends and give heartfelt advice and comfort.


Rat is Yang, and its earthly branch is Zi.


23:00–01:00. Rats are at the height of their activity at this time and people began to associate rats with the Zi hour.


Rats steal food, which can be interpreted as the household being wealthy and having surpluses. Because of their fast reproduction rate, some also pray to rats for children.


Best match: Ox
Best group: Monkey, Dragon
Incompatible: Horse

Year of the Rat

Ox (牛—Niu)

People born in the year of the Ox are hard workers and have a strong sense of responsibility. Even if they run into difficulty during work, they’ll persevere through. They aren’t very romantic, but are patient and would never force themselves onto someone who doesn’t like them. They are usually quiet and keep their emotions bottled up inside. It’s hard for others to understand them. When they do lose their temper, it’s like an explosion and can drive others away.

The Ox is steady and plows the fields alone. They are independent workers and dedicated for the long haul. They can be loners. Social gatherings are more dutiful than needed. Family structure is important to the ox. Values and morals are taught. They cherish their private lives and homestead. The Ox is not usually adventurous. They enjoy their leisure time after the long day; working in their yards, and on projects away from the crowds. Not the most romantic, but very faithful.


Ox is Yin, and its earthly branch is Chǒu.


01:00–03:00. This is when farmers would wake up to feed their oxen.


Whipping spring cattle (打春—dǎ chūn) was a ritual performed to begin a new year of hard work and good harvests. The ox’s stomach would be filled with five types of grains and scattered after the whipping to represent the sowing and harvest.


Best match: Rat
Best group: Snake, Rooster
Incompatible: Goat

Year of the Ox

Tiger (虎—Hǔ)

People born in the year of the Tiger are independent and have high self-esteem. They enjoy being the leader and protector of average people. They love justice and never back down in an argument. Recklessness is their biggest weakness, causing them to fail. However, they never truly fail. Tigers will always find a way to stand back up and succeed in the end.

Tigers are passionate, strong, swift, and courageous. They love their freedom and do not do well when stripped of their independence. They can be quite dominate, and need to feel powerful. Not one that is afraid of meeting a situation head-on. They can be restless, and need challenges to keep them happy and healthy. Tigers make excellent friends and long lasting relationships if given their freedom. They are flirts, but committed to their partners. Parenting is a privilege.


Tiger is Yang, and its earthly branch is Yín.


03:00–05:00. Tigers are the most dangerous at night. Farmers would always be able to hear their frightening roars during this hour.


Tigers are the kings of all beasts. People believe that they are the guardians of children. In the past, infants were washed with water boiled with tiger bones to prevent diseases. Children also wear hats and shoes with tiger designs.


Best match: Pig
Best group: Dog
Incompatible: Monkey

Year of the Tiger

Rabbit (兔—Tù)

People born in the year of the Rabbit are gentle, quiet and polite. They are patient, intelligent and chic. Their sense of responsibility and attention to detail lead to great career success. They take love seriously as well, and would never fall for someone easily. If they find the right person, they’ll love them to the end of the world and back.

The peaceful little bunny. Usually keeping out of the fight, and at times turning a blind eye to dispute. Diplomatic, gentle, emotional and sentimental. They can at times seem rather selfish as they enjoy their own garden. However, they are very sensitive and can be hurt rather easily. The Rabbit can assess a situation and usually come up with the best stradegy. They are innovative and shrewd. Emotionally based they make tender partners, and seek out a match that offers the same; as well as security.


Rabbit is Yin, and its earthly branch is Mǎo.


05:00–07:00. At daybreak, rabbits would come out of their homes to feed on the dew.


The rabbit represents the moon. Rather than the man in the moon, the ancient Chinese believed that there was a rabbit in the moon.


Best match: Dog
Best group: Pig, Goat
Incompatible: Rooster

Year of the Rabbit

Dragon (龙—Lóng)

People born in the year of the Dragon have hearts full of adventure and romance. It’s hard for people to understand a Dragon’s mysterious personality. At the same time, they are indifferent to things the average person worries about. They may seem lazy, but once they decide to do something, they’ll be more ambitious and vigorous than anyone else.

The dragon is an exceptional sign. Proud, assertive, intelligent, and strong. However, the other side of the Dragon can be pushy, impulsive, and intolerant. They breath fire in every direction; for both good and bad. They attract the positive and the attention, and stir up energy!! They make the point, and make it well, but sometimes lack consultation when needed. Dedicated workers, and great companions….In for the long haul!!!


Dragon is Yang, and its earthly branch is Chén.


07:00–09:00. This is the most common time for fog to appear. According to folklore, dragons ride the fog to come down to Earth.


Dragons are the most revered creature in Chinese culture and are used to represent royalty. Emperors were often seen as a dragon’s reincarnation. Paired with the phoenix, they also symbolize a happy marriage and harmony between yin and yang.


Best match: Rooster
Best group: Monkey, Rat
Incompatible: Dog

Year of the Dragon

Snake (蛇—Shé)

People born in the year of the Snake are idealists. On the outside, they may seem cold but, deep inside, they are warm and enthusiastic. Their desire of exclusive ownership is very fierce. It irks them if they can’t fully understand someone. Snakes are devoted and determined, but their worst enemy is laziness.

This sign can remain still for a long time before it strikes. They know what they want and when they want it. Snake Years : 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013 They proceed at their own pace, which can be mis-understood. They often shed their skins taking and venturing onto something completely new. They are great at showing off their social side, but tend to enjoy being left alone to evaluate the situation. They are elegant and refined, passionate, sleek and sexy; but can be jealous and possessive if their rock is overturned on too many occasions.


Snake is Yin, and its earthly branch is Sì.


09:00–11:00. After the fog has dissipated, snakes would come out to bask in the sun. When creating the character for sì (巳), it was written to look like a snake.


Snakes usually have a negative diction and are symbols of witchcraft. However, Nǚ Wā (女娲), the creator of the world in Chinese mythology, had a human’s head and a snake’s body.


Best match: Monkey
Best group: Rooster, Ox
Incompatible: Pig

Year of the Snake

Horse (马—Mǎ)

People born in the year of the Horse are never one to surrender. They are always positive and energetic, pushing themselves forward. Their biggest desire is to have the freedom to do what they like and be able to express themselves. However, they also have various negative traits. Horses are bad at keeping secrets and lose interest quickly.

These people are usually popular, mentally alert, good workers, straight forward and honest. They seek the challenge; strive for success; in search for freedom. They can gallop off in search of these things. They do not tire easily, but can shy away if they feel they are being put in their pen too often, and then the open field is too tempting to not run towards. When they find a partner they are dedicated, and at times can loose their heads in the way of romance; and often make mistakes while finding the right partner.


Horse is Yang, and its earthly branch is Wǔ.


11:00–13:00. When the sun is at its brightest moment, the horses would gallop and prance joyfully in the fields.


As the head of the six domestic animals, horses are crucial in transportation and war. They represent speed and freedom. Many Northern ethnicities, such as the Mongolians and Manchurians, revere and worship the horse.


Best match: Goat
Best group: Tiger, Dog
Incompatible: Rat

Year of the Horse

Goat (羊—Yang)

People born in the year of the Goat have a pure and kind heart. They’d rather suffer silently than argue and ruin someone else’s mood. However, even in silence, they still hold onto their own opinion. In regards to their passions, they will do anything possible to fulfill their wishes. Though kind, Goats have tricks up their sleeves as well. They are skilled at using soft power, able to patiently and politely persuade others into their favor.

The sheep (called the Goat at times) go at their own pace. They do not like being rushed or put on the spot. They are charming, yet hold back their emotions. Lovers of nature and the arts. They appreciate and need stability and prefer to have people oriented professions. Well mannered and a bit shy, but readily will lend an ear to a friend. The Sheep can be easily hurt and can become upset if deceived. Dedicated to marriage and a friend!!


Goat is Yin, and its earthly branch is Wèi.


13:00–15:00. At this time, the dew on the grass would be dried by the sun. This is the best hour to let the goats and sheep out.


Xiè Zhì (獬豸) is a mythological one-horned goat. It was the assistant of Gāo Yáo (皋陶), god of Justice. The Goat is also the symbol of filial piety.


Best match: Horse
Best group: Pig, Rabbit
Incompatible: Ox

Year of the Goat

Monkey (猴—Hóu)

People born in the year of the Monkey do things based on interest. If it’s something they don’t quite care for, they’ll do the work sloppily. If it something they’re interested in, they’ll put their entire heart into it and work until they succeed. They live a long life full of energy and curiosity for the world. Monkeys also value relationships. However, spoiling children may be their weakness.

Witty, clever, inventive, and crafty; and can be a bit of a tease. These people adapt well with situations and are quick on their feet. They have the “gift of gab”, are original and lively. Many people feel that the Monkey is intimidating and may shy away, but soon the attraction is made. The Monkey has many interests which makes them always fit in somewhere. Not the nine to five type person though; the Monkey needs freedom and a partner that keeps them stimulated.


Monkey is Yang, and its earthly branch is Shēn.


15:00–17:00. The weather is much cooler with the sun setting and the monkeys would play around in the forest.


There are multiple legends about the Monkey as humans’ ancestor. Monkeys also like eating peaches. Peaches are symbols of longevity and, with time, monkeys also became associated with long life.


Best match: Snake
Best group: Rat, Dragon
Incompatible: Tiger

Year of the Monkey

Rooster (鸡—Jī)

People born in the year of the Rooster are able to sense what the other person is thinking or feeling. They have quick reactions and high EQ. They make great friends, although some are cunning. Roosters are creative and talented in the arts, although few find a career in that field. They have foresight and plan everything carefully.

These people like to strut their feathers. They are flamboyant, and have no hesitation in speaking up when they feel like it. They are dedicated hard workers, but not fond of repetition. They enjoy social gatherings and love to put on their best show, as they enjoy being the center of attraction, and their style and charm usually makes that quite possible. They usually attract a wide variety of mates before settling down with just one; but once they find that perfect match they are dedicated to their partners and make great parents.


Rooster is Yin, and its earthly branch is Yǒu.


17:00–19:00. The character for yǒu (酉) looks similar to wine (酒—jiǔ), and evening is the time for dinner and wine. It is also time to collect the roosters and hens and put them back in their nests, else it’ll be too dark to find them.


According to legends, roosters are able to protect against evil spirits. In ancient times, sworn brothers must swear to the heavens, then drip rooster blood into wine and drink it all.


Best match: Dragon
Best group: Snake, Ox
Incompatible: Rabbit

Year of the Rooster

Dog (狗—Gǒu)

People born in the year of the Dog are conservative and full of justice. Because of their loyalty, Dogs are valued in the workplace. They rarely break rules, except for people important to them. In life, they only wish to live quietly with their family.

The happy cheerful pup..dedicated and honest. These people have a great sense of justice and fair play. They are loyal and always on alert. Being that they usually have a watchful eye, many are prone to worry too much. When hurt or deceived they tend to gnaw at the details. But, eventually they pull it together and move forward with a playful gate. Dog people can have a bit of a temper, but their bark is worse than their bite. They are dedicated to companionship and and are faithful for life.


Dog is Yang, and its earthly branch is Xū.


19:00–21:00. Before sleeping, the people must patrol around for a check. Trailing behind them is the dog, humanity’s little helper.


In the Qin and Han dynasty, the Stone Dog was worshipped by the people. In the Guangdong province, it is still popular to name dogs Wàng Cái (旺财). It means “prosperous wealth” and comes from dogs’ barking sounds (旺旺—wàng wàng).


Best match: Rabbit
Best group: Tiger, Horse
Incompatible: Dragon

Year of the Dog

Pig (猪—Zhū)

People born in the year of the Pig think logically and are able to fix whatever problem they’re in. They aren’t good communicators, but they’re kind and able to provide for the family. Most of them are wealthy. Their only obvious fault is that they lose their temper easily.

Pig people are honest, kind, generous and funny. They have a great sense of humor and love to wallop in the mud. They love their homes and are quite content keeping house. They are steady, patient, and great at organizing both their jobs, money, and family life. They are trustworthy and warm. They enjoy a good friend, good food, good sex, good book, and just plain enjoy life. Their day is their play pen and they enjoy the moment!!


Pig is Yin, and its earthly branch is Hài.


21:00–23:00. At night, the pig can be heard rustling around. In order to fatten it up, the farmer must feed before calling it a day.


Pigs are the symbol of wealth. Their chubby faces and big ears are signs of fortune as well.


Best match: Tiger
Best group: Rabbit, Goat
Incompatible: Snake