On the Heavenly Spheres: A Treatise on Traditional Astrology
2,696.00 2,575.00
Thousands of years ago, people first observed a correlation between the heavenly bodies and events on Earth. Out of these early observations and subsequent refinements came what today is known as astrology.
For most of these millennia, astrologers used only the seven visible planets: Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn. It is out of this tradition that Helena Avelar and Luis Ribeiro have written this extensive book on astrology. The rules and principles here presented apply to all branches of astrology¾natal, mundane, horary and elective. Their method is the traditional and time-honored one, and includes, among others, chapters on:
The Planets The Zodiac and the Signs The Essential Dignities The Houses The Aspects Chart Dynamics The Condition of the Planets The Fixed Stars The Parts The Power of the Planets Using this traditional method, it is possible not only to thoroughly and completely read the natal chart but to do so with a breadth and depth of meaning not found in the modern methods of astrological interpretation. It avoids cookbook-type methods and centers on the practical understanding of the astrological concepts, presenting the Tradition in present-day language. In addition, more than two hundred fifty illustrations make the traditional principles easy to understand and use in chart interpretation.
This practical how-to book is one of a kind, and the one that will teach you the traditional methods and you reach into the past to benefit from the knowledge of the authors and astrologers from ancient Babylonia through the medieval period.
It is suitable for both beginners and advanced students, as it provides the indispensable core of astrological knowledge, at the same time allowing more experienced students to organize their knowledge into a coherent system.
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Title: On the Heavenly Spheres: A Treatise on Traditional Astrology
Author: Helena Avelar, Luis Ribeiro
ISBN: 9780866906098
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